Archive for December, 2009

Poor Josiah

It seems all my recent posts have been about Josiah. Maybe that’s because he gives us the most interesting, blog-worthy things to post!

Poor  Josiah–he’s on his way to get a shot. Trish told him about a half hour before when she gave him some Tylenol. He’s been bawling ever since. You really feel bad for the little guy. He sounds like he’s on his way to the gallows! 😦

The reason he responds this way is the last time he had a shot he was in absolute terror. He stiffened up big time, which only makes a shot hurt even more.

By the time you read this the deed will be done (they just left–still crying!) but you could pray that little man will recover quickly!

Obviously the above picture is not Josiah–I didn’t have the heart to ask him to pose for one on his way out the door! 🙂

December 18, 2009 at 10:58 am 3 comments

…is my two front teeth!

As previously predicted, Josiah did “lose” his other tooth by Christmas.

Josiah made a deal that if he allowed his other tooth to be pulled out he could have a glass of Diet Coke. The little mercenary. 🙂

We could also say that Josiah now officially fits in to our little corner of Appalachia!

December 9, 2009 at 12:57 pm 2 comments

The Almanac

December 2009